AT&T is finally
opening up and coming clean about their sub par service that is offered in areas of New York and
San Francisco. Ralph de la Vega, chief executive of
AT&T Mobility, recently spoke at a investors conference regarding the poor service.
“This is going to get fixed, in both of those markets, I am very confident that you’re going to see significant progress.”
Obviously this is good news for those of you in these areas. Worse news?
AT&T might use “unlimited” to sell you your data plan, but they obviously don’t intend for you to use it. And if you do, watch out.
Wireless data hogs who jam the airwaves by watching video on their iPhones will be put on tighter leashes.
Video. The horror!
De la Vega didn’t say exactly how or when the carrier would change its policies, but he said some form of usage-based pricing for data is inevitable.
If one stops to think about the other carriers getting more attractive smartphone options and the fact that
AT&T’s iPhone exclusivity is running thin…
AT&T better figure things out and fast.
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