Salman Khan had to perform live in Kolkata on September 26 to promote his film Wanted. But due to some unexpected happening.
The Bollywood actor had to cancel the show. He, however, had promised that the show will take place for sure.
Now keeping up his words with his fans in Kolkata, the star has decided to show up in the city on the 23rd November.
The news has also been confirmed by a news daily. The event was organized at the Mohammedan Sporting Club.
The Bollywood actor had to cancel the show. He, however, had promised that the show will take place for sure.
Now keeping up his words with his fans in Kolkata, the star has decided to show up in the city on the 23rd November.
The news has also been confirmed by a news daily. The event was organized at the Mohammedan Sporting Club.