Akshay Kumar has a confession to make. The actor, who made his mark in films doing death-defying stunts, is afraid of heights. “Even now, after so many years of doing action sequences in films when I stand atop a building, I get a bit scared,” he admits.
Interestingly, he makes this statement sitting in the balcony of the fifth floor suite of the exotic Pugnochiuso resort in Vieste, Italy, that offers fabulous views of the magnificent Mediterranean waters.
Akki, along with Deepika Padukone, Lara Dutta, Ritesh Deshmukh and Farah Khan, has just landed here for a schedule of Sajid Nadiadwala’s Housefull.
But even as his co-stars amble in the stunning surroundings (their generous producer has booked half the resort for the shoot), Akshay would like nothing better than to rest.
Neither the location nor the ambience seem to excite him. Reason - he is sleep deprived (“I’ve had only three hours of sleep in the last two days”)