Parallel exam systems in educational institutions Pakistan

Aug 18, 2009

Parallel exam systems to be reviewed
Islamabad, Aug 17: The government on Saturday informed the National Assembly that by year 2010 it will review the existing examination systems running parallel to each other in the country which have created disparity in society.

At present, educational institutions both in the public and private sectors, which are affiliated with government examination boards, follow the national curriculum, whereas there are private sector institutions which conduct their examinations under foreign examining bodies; hence follow their respective curriculums, Federal Minister for Education Mir Hazar Khan Bijarani informed the house in a written reply.

During a meeting of the inter-provincial education ministers held in December 2005 at Karachi, the Punjab education department had proposed elimination of 'O' and 'A' level examinations in the country.

The meeting observed that since 'O' and 'A' level examination systems followed completely different curriculums than the government schools and colleges, they were responsible for creating disparity in the society. Therefore, a suggestion was made by Punjab to eliminate these foreign-based examination systems and replace them with local examination boards.

However, the meeting decided that under the current scenario it was not possible to immediately do away with the 'O' and 'A' level examination systems and the position would be reviewed in 2010.

To introduce uniformity in the curriculum and examination systems, provincial examination boards had already been asked by the federal government to follow one curriculum and uniform system of examinations. Dawn