Actor Anupam Kher will be hosting the premiere of his first film as an actor, Mahesh Bhatt directed, Saaransh at BIG Cinemas Metro on Sunday 24th May, 2009 in association with his acting school ‘Actor Prepares’ and ‘Metro BIG Cinemas’.
Saaransh will be completing 25 years on May 24th. Back then it was released in Metro theatre now re-branded as Metro BIG Cinemas. Anupam Kher will relive this moment with his co stars from the film Rohini Hattangadi and Soni Razdan and director Mahesh Bhatt, who will also be present at the premiere along with many friends from the industry.
Getting nostalgic Anupam Kher says, “On 25th May 1984 my first film Saaransh released. I was a new comer. Now, 25 years later, I still feel like a new comer. To celebrate my highs and lows of these years, I thought it would be great to relive the moments and the audience reaction for my first film Saaransh. In 1984, the film released in Metro, so we thought it would be nice to premiere it here only.”
Edited that time by today’s popular filmmaker, David Dhawan Saaransh had released on 25th May, 1984. Back then, the film’s premiere could not be organized due to unforeseen circumstances. The film was India’s official entry to the Oscars in 1984. Saaransh established Anupam Kher as a great actor. Ironically, Anupam played a stubborn old man in his very first movie. Saaransh is a story of an old couple living in Bombay, coming to terms with the death of their only son, who is killed in a mugging incident in New York. The most touching and memorable moment in the movie is when Anupam Kher’s character haggles with the customs officials to get his son’s ashes. -Smapurn Media