Amitabh Recalls his MJ moment

Jun 28, 2009


Amitabh Bachchan remembered King of Pop Michael Jackson after his sudden demise on his blog and shared his first encounter with him.

Big B writes, “It was around the mid 70’s that lightening struck and from it emerged this grown up version of Michael Jackson, singing, moving, dancing like he was from some other planet ! Mesmerized by his brilliance in each and every department of music and performance, he changed the very psyche, of not just the kind of music he was making, but also the psyche of the listening audience. Nothing compared to him. He was just this incredible perfection that God could have possibly created in his mercy.

His body moved like a wound up toy machine. Every conceivable action of rhythm and style was incorporated inside his diminutive form, without any blemish. The exhilaration that he provided became synonymous with the ultimate. He was the impossible.”

In the early 90’s on a private visit to New York, the door bell of my room in the Helmsley Palace Hotel rang, and I sauntered up to open it. There as I stood in the doorway, across me, was Michael Jackson ! He looked a little surprised as he turned around to those he was accompanied with and in his now well known soft voice gently spoke up – “Oh ! Excuse me ! I think I have the wrong room !”.

I have no recollection of what I said in return, whether I said anything at all, how long I remained in that state and when I closed the door to come back in. But that was him and he had come to the wrong room !!

Well he was amongst few lucky people who could see and talk to legendary Michael Jackson live. Folks did you ever meet or saw or touched MJ?