Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone shot the promotional song for their film Love Aaj Kal in a hush hush manner in Mumbai. A unit source revealed, “It was a four day shoot in Mehboob Studios in Bandra, Mumbai from 21st to 24th May. A huge set was erected for that purpose. Both Saif and Deepika participated in it and it was more of a fun shoot, as it was also more of a get-together for the whole unit.”
It is learnt that director Imtiaz Ali and producers Saif Ali Khan, Dinesh Vijan and Eros are so happy with the way the film has shaped up that they’ve decided to spare neither efforts nor money in its promotion. Love Aaj Kal is about love today and love as it used to happen in the past. While Saif plays a cool dude in the film, he enacts the role of a Sardarji in the portions which relate to the times gone by.