After so many blockbuster films together, Karisma Kapoor and filmmaker David Dhawan are teaming up after nine years, but this time to judge a new comedy reality show “Hans Baliye”. While Dhawan is known for churning out a series of successful comedies, Karisma has portrayed a number of comic roles in her career. They had last worked together in 2000 in “Chal Mere Bhai”, which also starred Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan.
In their new roles on television, they would judge eight real-life celebrity couples who will vie with each other by cracking jokes and enacting spoofs to win the “Hans Baliye” trophy. The show will be aired on Star One and will debut May 30 at 8.30 p.m.
“Comedy is something I personally enjoy and watching these couples showcasing their humorous side will surely be a treat to watch. The show promises to be interesting and engaging,” Dhawan said in a press release from Star One. Karisma said she was attracted by the “amazing concept to search for India’s best real life comedy couples”.