Introduction to National Students Federation (NSF)

Feb 21, 2009

One of the oldest progressive student organisations in Pakistan. Began as the student wing of the Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP). Exhibited electoral supremacy in student union elections through the 1960s and early 1970s. Was at the forefront of the movement against the Ayub Khan dictatorship in 1968. Experienced a split in early 1960s when a pro-China faction broke away and formed the Democratic Students Federation (DSF). Electoral influence started to vain from 1973 onwards as another faction broke away and formed the Liberal Students Federation (LSF).
In the late 1970s and 1980s the NSF became part of the progressive electoral alliances, the United Students Movement (USM) in Karachi and the Progressive Students Alliance in Punjab. Currently the NSF has a small presence in a couple of colleges in Sindh, Punjab and Azad Kashmir.